Today, Year 6 have been starting their new RE unit: ‘Creation and Science: conflicting or complimentary?’

After the lesson I took a group of children for a short book talk. Despite the unit having a link to Science, the children knew that they were doing RE and could expand by saying that it was a subject that was called Religious Education and was all about everyone’s beliefs.

We then started to talk about why this lesson was Religious Education. 'A' and 'L' were both able to explain that it was beliefs about how the world was formed.

'A' then went on to say that some religions believe that God made the world. She also mentioned how Humanists believe that Science made the world and how her learning in Year 5 about Humanism had helped her with today’s lesson.

'Z' and 'S' were able to talk a little bit about Buddhism and Dharma.

'A' then went on to say that Christians believe that God made the world in seven days. 'S' added that they had learnt that in Year 5.

We then talked a little bit more about how their prior learning had helped with today’s learning: 'L' said that, In Year 5, we learnt quite a bit about the Science and the Big Bang.

'L' also knew what the letters CARES stood for, whilst 'Z' was able to link this learning to Emotional because he said that they had talked a lot about feelings in the lesson.
