Case Study: Y3 - Maths


Case Study: Year 4 Addition and Subtraction 21/22 cohort October 2021(addition focus) 

Evidence base:

  • Context

  • Intention

  • Addition and subtraction unit w/b 4.10.21 on Y4 drive

  • Examples of CLIPS

  • DTT

  • pupil work from books

  • planning slides

  • Pupil voice

  • Calculation Policy comparison/links

  • Y4 Overview 


The unit of work fits into the Autumn term White Rose maths Scheme of work. The Year group used this as a basis for their medium term planning, linking with the Non-statutory guidance ready to progress (RTP) materials and the NCETM prioritisation documentation. 


The intention through the unit was to re-cap key concepts from Year 3 that may have been missed through lost learning in lock down and then move into the Year 4 areas. The unit would last three weeks. 

Planning would use the progression grids to ensure that there was an understanding of the prior learning. The year group also used formative assessments from the RTP documents to inform the content of the lessons. 

Calculations are based on the school calculation policy. 



By the end of the unit the intention was that the children would have re-capped addition of three digit numbers crossing a 10 and moved into addition of 4 digit numbers with an exchange. 

In the subtraction unit the children would have recapped the 3 areas of subtracting 3 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers and moved into subtraction of 4 digit numbers with an exchange. 

Based on the school policy and vision for maths this learning would use a CPA approach and be explored through the use of manipulatives and representation. Using the aims of the curriculum the use of fluent facts, reasoning tasks and problem solving are evident in the planning.

The planning and the tasks also included evidence of CLIPs to develop and consolidate the children’s understanding through collaboration. 

The mastery of deeper thinking is evident in the Deeper Thinking Task used in the planning and lessons to move the children’ learning on. 



Independent working: 



Deeper thinking Tasks: 

Pupil Voice

“The counters help with exchange.” 

“I like it when I draw place value tables to help with columns.” 

“I like using Sage & Scribe because I get to explain to my friend how to do something. “

“I like talking about maths with my friends”

“The DTTs can be hard.”
