Tell us about a time when you have had to try extra hard to look after your feelings. How did you do it?
122 responses
When my great grandad died.
When I fell.
I have had to control my anger as some one was annoying me.
I concentrated on the happy things.
I try to keep calm and count to 10.
I kept cool and took deep breaths.
When I do a diary entries.
I got annoyed by my friends and I didn't show them how annoying they were being because then they would do it more.
I remember a time when I went away from home and I got homesick, I had to think of the happy times.
When my brothers were teasing me.
When someone was teasing me.
When I first entered my new class.
By hugging my teddy.
I felt sad when my mum went away of on a course. I cheered myself up playing with my dog.
When someone made me annoyed and I tried hard no to get angry.
When I missed someone I tried not to cry.
When I missed a really fun trip because I got chicken pox.
When someone was saying mean stuff I tried so hard to not say anything back.
I just had to stay calm and try not to think about it.
When my Nan died.
I listened to relaxing music.
I was nervous about school but I thought to myself everything is going to be ok.
I once told an adult about it and that helped.
I had to try extra hard to look after my feelings when I had to say good bye to my older brother.
When I have been sad but didn't want to cry.
When I cut my leg I told myself it is going to be okay.
I relaxed and read my book in the book corner.
When me and my brother argued.
Although I was really sad I had to carry on with the day.
I have to look after my feelings when my sister is being annoying. I find it easier if I read a book to calm me down.
Before when I was really angry I was going to scream and shout but then I tried to keep calm and I did.
I thought of happy things.
I took my self away.
When I went to the dentist they said I might need to get a tooth removed. I kept my feelings okay. I did it by watching a movie with my family.
I imagined the resilience bucket.
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