Pupil Voice - Aspiration

Why is it important to aim high/have high aspirations?

So I can learn more.

It helps you achieve tasks.

Because if you don't aim high then you might never get the thing that you want.

Because you can get smarter.

Otherwise a small aspiration would be easy. You should aim big and have a bigger challenge and bigger reward.

If you don't dream big you wont go anywhere.

So you never give up and always push to be the best you can be.

You can only achieve great things if you have great ambitions.

So you have something to aim for in life and when you achieve it you won't regret it.

So you can achieve much more.

So you try harder.

So you can grow up to be something amazing.

So I can get better.

Because if you try your best you get better.

To help progress your work.

To show you are ready for high school.

To get further in life.

To try to do your best.

Gives you goals.

So you know what you are aiming for.

So you can believe that you can be your best.

To show you can dream.

So that you have something to achieve.

So you get somewhere in life

So I know what to aim to achieve

It can help boost confidence and have higher self esteem

So that you aim for achievements and be a great person

It is important to have high aspirations because you can be whatever you can be

To believe in yourself.

It's is important to aim high because you can learn something new that you've never done before.

So in life you can do what you dreamed of being and you're more likely to complete it if you have high expectations.

So you get a good future

Because if you do not have any aspirations you have nothing to look forward to.

So you can get a good job later in life.

Because if you aim high in your learning you will have a better future ahead of you.

Tell us about a time when you have aimed higher than you normally would:

134 responses

When I had 2 minutes to score winning goal in football.

At the start of Year 6.

I aimed higher when I was chosen to go to the Reception playground and help out the little kids.

When I was aiming to be a drummer.

When I am doing maths and I complete all the sheets.

When I was studying dinosaurs usually I would name 50 genomes but I aimed for naming 200 genomes.

I am aiming to do a lot more Maths Whizz than I normally would.

I always try extra hard on my homework.

In English I aimed higher, by writing a very long story.

During a maths test because I wanted to get a really high score.

When I do maths tests.

I got my pen license.

I always try to win a football game when I'm against my brother.

At my dance show.

I try and aim for gold.

When I did a climbing wall at scouts.

A dance competition because I wanted to win.

At Hilltop I went very high on the super swing.

In a spelling test when I had already scored high a previous time.

In my house captain speech.

I used to be shy and I'm not really that shy any more.

In assembly when we learned about what cares meant it made me go higher for aspirations.

In a test when I got a higher score than I thought I would.

When I first learnt to swim.

When I did my early work in class.

In my Pixl tests.

In Year 6 I got vice house captain.

I had a maths test and gave it my all.

When I was at school, I spoke up.

When I did my mock SATS tests.

At cross country and in hockey matches.

In maths when it was a hard question I pushed myself to try and answer the question even though I didn't really know the answer.

When I learned about SPACE.

The time I aimed higher was when I realised learning is good.

When I was writing a story and I wanted it to be the best story I have ever written.

It was the finals and we won.

Super Swing at Hilltop - the highest one which is double red.

When Miss West mentioned about pen licences, I achieved that I was the first person to get one.

When I was learning to ride my bike.

I had to do a lot of reading so I could get better.

When Im doing art at home and at school

When I did a Deeper Thinking Task in Maths.

Once I was a bit stuck and it helped me.

I learnt to ride my bike even though I it was hard.
