Case Study: Y6 - Science

 Science Case Study

Year 6 - Light

Science Aims

In Science, using the Plymouth Science Scheme as a reference point, we will inspire our children by giving them the practical opportunities to pursue their natural curiosity, providing hands-on learning and engaging activities for children to learn and staff to teach. We will ensure a progression of knowledge and understanding of the world around them looking at the ‘Big Concepts’. Our children will be encouraged to ask questions, experiment, reflect, make and learn from mistakes whilst in a safe environment. We aim that they will acquire and apply the working scientific skills, which equip them for an ever-changing world. We believe that these opportunities will set our children on the path to be life-long learners who will explore the world around them.

  • The ‘Big Concepts’ marry with the National curriculum Programme of studies which stretch across the Key stages allowing for consolidation and progression of knowledge. In being taught these ‘Big Concepts’ children will be using a range of Scientific Enquiry (SE) approaches. 


 Animals, Including Humans

 Materials & Properties Of Change

 Seasonal Changes, Earth & Space

 Living Things & Their Habitats


 Light, Sound & Electricity

 Forces & Magnets

 State Of Matter

∙ Evolution & Inheritance

  • explanation of how the planning, teaching and outcomes relate back to the intent that was created by the subject leader

The planning initiates with the Knowledge and Skills Progression Map.   The sequence of lessons follows the Plymouth Science scheme recently acquired. Lessons are adapted and personalised to incorporate CLIPS and weave in our CARES curriculum where appropriate. 

 Knowledge and Skills Progression Map

Examples of detailed lesson plans - Plymouth Science (modified)

Each unit begins with a title page. This clearly introduces the unit in the children’s books as well as making clear the learning objectives. Additionally subject specific vocabulary (as detailed on the Knowledge and Skills Progression map is recorded here so that children can be taught it and use it within the unit)

  • Examples of how vocabulary is learnt

  • Examples of CLIPS used

Within the lessons CLIPS such as Think Pair Share, Meet in the Middle and others are used where appropriate.

  • Scans of children’s work

Daily reviews are incorporated into lessons

End of Unit Assessment

  • Pupil Voice (preferably including SEN & PP children)

Pupil voice (PP)
