Last half term, Year 3’s CARE focus centered on Resilience and Aspiration; this was a project that ran over two afternoons, with a final presentation afternoon, and was an addition to their Science work on plants.
Their task was plant a bean seed, drawing on their Science knowledge to create the right conditions for it to grow successfully. Alongside this, the children wrote to Edward Parsons, the land agent at Sandringham Estate, persuading him that their bean would be the best and worthy of a place on the royal estate. The best bean is to be donated and planted there.
The ‘Resilience’ element of the project was an independent group task where, in groups of four, the children had to plan how to approach the task and complete the challenge.
The children were encouraged to reflect upon their task and how successful the outcome and teamwork had been. As part of this, the children were taught how to give positive and constructive feedback, incorporating an emotional wellbeing objective about showing respect for the views of others.
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